Purchased the key drop box a year ago and love it. Recently we decided to purchase the after hours lock box since after hours pick ups are becoming more popular. The quality of the produce is top notch. I would recommend to anyone looking for a secure way for customers to drop / pick up keys.
Came across this box on facebook and loved it. helps customers feel comfortable with after hours pickup, and pairs well with my online invoicing. speeds up transactions as well because people have the option to pickup after hours!
Right out of the box you can tell it is built to last a long time. Very quality welds and locks.
Should have purchased one of these years ago. Works great, looks great, easy for customers to use
We ended up having a custom wrap put on ours to mount in the front and customers have loved the ability to drop off at pick up at their convenience.
We have one at all three of our facilities and love the product!
Is as I expected. Very nice quality piece that does the job intended for. We have the key drop / key pick-up combo box and they both work very well. Highly recommend.